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Internet directory of plant conservation resources

This listing is intended as an introduction and reference guide to materials available on the internet that are relevant to plant conservation in Australia. Additional information may be found by using internet search tools, such as Google and its derivatives.

If you would like to link your organisation to the Directory, or to advertise your plant conservation event, please contact us.


Threatened species and communities

Lists of threatened plant species – Australianglobal

Lists of ecological communities

Photographs of rare or threatened plants

General plant and biodiversity information: Australianglobalspecific plant families and groupsweeds

Directories and databases

Legal Frameworks

Australian legislation

International conventions

National strategies


Australian national

Australian State, Territory, regional & local


Botanic Gardens and Herbaria



ANPC Conferences

ANPC workshops & courses

Other Resources

Directories and databases

Funding and grants

Listservers (email subscriptions)


Lists of threatened plant species



  • EE-Link: Endangered Species is a US based endangered species information and includes international information.
  • IUCN Red List of Threatened Plants is a database of 33,798 taxa worldwide.
  • Tree Conservation Information Service. The WCMC has identified over 8000 tree species which are threatened with extinction at the global level and others of conservation concern.

Photographs of Rare or Threatened Plants

Plant and Biodiversity Information

Plant Identification Resources

Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants

Australian Tropical Rainforest Orchids

Rainforest Plants of Australia – Rockhampton to Victoria

General Australian


    • List of botanical databases contains listings of Australian national, state, herbarium and specialised databases, many accessible on the web.
    • Australian Biodiversity Clearing House Mechanism promotes scientific and technical cooperation at all levels among Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity. Also facilitates access to and exchange of biodiversity information around the world.
    • Collecting Plants is an introduction to collecting plants and provides links to various documents that deal with the collection of plant specimens, both as herbarium specimens and as living collections.
    • CSIRO Biodiversity covers research topics ranging from weeds to rainforests, from farming to mining, from taxonomy to tourism.
    • CSIRO Publishing allows users to browse a list of a large selection of books, CDs and journals available for purchase.
    • Invasive Species in Australia, put together by Environment Australia and the Natural Heritage Trust, includes information on pest animals, weeds, non-native insects and other invertebrates, introduced marine pests and diseases and parasites. It covers what work is being done at present and what needs to be done in the future.
    • National Forest Inventory Australia collects and communicates information on Australia’s forests. It aims to provide a single authoritative source of forest data at the national level.

General Global

    • Biodiversity and Worldmap at the Natural History Museum, London, allows users access to worldmap software measuring biodiversity, rarity and conservation priority for flora and fauna world-wide.
    • Reference List for plant re-introduction, recovery plans and restoration programs This project aims to build and maintain a comprehensive and up-to-date reference list for use as a resource by those involved in plant re-introduction and recovery work. The ultimate aim is to have as comprehensive a list as possible of species which are the subject of species and habitat recovery work, linked to projects, contacts and relevant literature.

Specific plant families and groups

    • Eucalypts serves as an introduction to the eucalypts and covers the genera Eucalyptus (the Gums), Corymbia (the Bloodwoods and Ghost Gums) and Angophora (the Apples).
    • Fungimap a collaborative project between professional and amateur mycologicsts and naturalists to gather information about the distribution of fungi throughout Australia.
    • Leptospermum (tea-tree) – pictures and information on the genus and four species.
    • Mycorrhizas created by CSIRO Forestry and Forest Products.
    • Wollemi Pine, a rare and endangered species discovered in 1994.


    • Weedbuster Week is a national awareness event that highlights the impact of weeds on primary industries, the environment and human and animal health, and encourages governments, industry, private and community organisations to work together.
    • Weeds Australia National Weeds Strategy – a strategic approach to weed problems of national significance.

Directories and databases

    • List of botanical databases contains listings of Australian national, state, herbarium and specialised databases, many accessible on the web.
    • AANRO (Australian Agriculture and Natural Resources Online) is a knowledge base of bibliographic and research information designed as a national decision support system and single access point for knowledge on Australian agriculture and natural resource management.
    • Atlas of Living Australia is a portal to link in specimen and taxonomic information and observations on Australian biodiversity from herbaria, museums and citizen scientists.
    • Australian Plant Names Index (APNI) lists all scientific names used for Australian vascular plants in the literature, together with the author of the name, the type citation and supplementary information.
    • BioNet allows for real-time access to NSW government agency biodiversity databases. The system allows for users to search either for records of specific species or for all species across a specific area of NSW. The results of a search can be viewed as a listing or as an interactive map.
    • Earthworks is a portal of job and career opportunities for, among others, ecologists, conservation biologists, botanists, forestry/agricultural scientists, environmental scientists, soil scientists, geoscientists, remediation/contaminated land specialists, marine scientists, geographers and remote sensing/GIS specialists, with particular focus on Europe, North America and the Pacific rim.
    • Florabank network has a searchable directory on individuals, organisations, business, and community groups interested in Australian native plant seed – identification, collection, storage, distribution and use for revegetation and conservation purposes.
    • FloraBase is the authoritative source for information about the Western Australian flora.
    • Internet Directory for Botany has links to plant (general and specific families/groups) and biodiversity information and conservation organisations from around the world.
    • International Plant Names Index is a comprehensive listing of over 1.3 million scientific names for seed plants worldwide. Collaborative project between Australian National Herbarium; Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew; and the Harvard University Herbaria, USA.
    • Species Profile and Threats Database  provides information about species and ecological communities listed under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999, including what the species looks like, its population and distribution, habitat, movements, feeding, reproduction and taxonomic comments.

Australian Legislation


    • AustLII maintains a database with links to all Australian legislation and case law (court decisions).

State and Territory

    • AustLII maintains a database with links to all Australian legislation and case law (court decisions).
    • Queensland – Department of the Environment Details legislation to provide for the conservation of Queensland’s nature across the state, in particular areas (Wet Tropics World Heritage Area, Raine Island) and in particular ways (providing opportunities for public recreation in natural environments and facilitating appreciation, enjoyment and protection of resources).

International Conventions

    • Ecolex is a gateway to global treaties and environmental law.
    • CITES  – the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wildlife Fauna and Flora
    • The Ramsar Convention on Wetlands is an intergovernmental treaty which provides the framework for national action and international cooperation for the conservation and wise use of wetlands and their resources.

National Strategies

    • Australia’s Native Vegetation Framework: provides tools to help Commonwealth, State and Territory Governments to reverse the long-term decline in the quality and extent of Australia’s native vegetation cover. It updates the 2001 National Framework for the Management and Monitoring of Australia’s Native Vegetation to guide and coordinate legislation, policies, programs and activities related to native vegetation management throughout the country.
    • National Principles and Guidelines for Rangeland Management (armcanz-may28.pdf): establishes a framework for rangeland communities, in partnership with governments and in consultation with the broader community, to undertake regional planning to address the diverse social, cultural, environmental and economic issues facing their communities.
    • Biodiversity Hotspots: identified in Australia and around the world. These hotspots are areas of great biodiversity that are under immediate threat. They have been identified to raise public awareness about their plight and to promote the need for action to conserve them.
    • National Water Quality Management Strategy: a joint initiative between the Australian Government and state and territory governments to protect and enhance the quality of water resources while maintaining economic and social development.


See also Botanic Gardens and Herbaria and Zoos below.

Australian National Organisations

    • Australian Tree Seed Centre (CSIRO) collects and supplies high quality seed of Australia’s woody flora, with special emphasis on range wide provenance collections and lots from widely spaced individual trees for research purposes.
    • Bush Heritage Australia is a national organisation dedicated to acquiring and managing high conservation value private land.
    • Bushcare Program 1996-2002 aimed to reverse the long-term decline in the quality and extent of Australia’s native vegetation cover.
    • CSIRO Plant Industry applies strategic research in the plant sciences to promote profitable and sustainable agri-food, fibre and horticultural industries, develop novel plant products and improve natural resource management.
    • Environmental Defender’s Office provides legal representation and advice, takes an active role in environmental law reform and policy formulation, and offers an education program.
    • Florabank aims to improve the availability and quality of native seed for revegetation and conservation purposes in Australia.
    • Fungimap is a collaborative project between professional and amateur mycologicsts and naturalists to gather information about the distribution of fungi throughout Australia.
    • Greening Australia works with the community to achieve sustainable land and water resources, primarily through improving vegetation management practices.
    • Land and Water Australia is a national organisation dedicated to investing in and managing research and development to underpin sustainable resource use and management. Originally established in 1990 as the Land and Water Resources Research and Development Corporation (LWRRDC).
    • National Landcare Programme (NLP) encourages landholders to undertake landcare and related conservation works by supporting collective action by communities to sustainably manage the environment and natural resources.
    • Natural Heritage Trust plays a major role in developing sustainable agriculture and natural resource management, as well as protecting our unique biodiversity through improved management and delivery of resources.
    • Threatened Species Network aims to increase public awareness of, and involvement with the protection and recovery of threatened species and their habitat.

State, Territory, Regional & Local Organisations



Northern Territory


South Australia

    • Trees For Life is a non-profit community group dedicated to revegetation and the protection of threatened and valuable bushland in South Australia.



    • Australian Plants Society Victoria is an organisation of people striving to learn to know and grow our native plants and to promote and preserve Australia’s unique flora.
    • Greenlink Box Hill (Victoria) is a voluntary organisation working with the City of Whitehorse Parks and Gardens staff to restore and manage local flora.

Western Australia

    • Centre for Land Rehabilitation A multi-disciplinary centre applying soil science, geomechanics, hydrology, soil biology, plant nutrition, plant biology, ecology and resource economics to the management of disturbed lands.

International Organisations

    • National Botanical Institute, South Africa The mission of the NBI is to promote the sustainable use, conservation, appreciation and enjoyment of the exceptionally rich plant life of South Africa, for the benefit of all its people.
    • Plantlife is Britain’s only national membership charity dedicated exclusively to conserving all forms of plant life in its natural habitat.
    • Society for Conservation Biology. An international professional organization dedicated to promoting the scientific study of the phenomena that affect the maintenance, loss, and restoration of biological diversity.

Botanic Gardens and Herbaria




Funding and grants

    • Australian Biological Resources Study (ABRS) The Participatory Program supports taxonomic research and training required to accelerate the scientific inventory of Australia’s biological diversity. Schemes included in this program are the Research Grants Scheme, Postgraduate Scholarships Scheme and ABRS Bursaries.
    • The Norman Wettenhall Foundation is an environment group and philanthropic trust that focusses on supporting biodiversity conservation projects around Australia. They particularly look for innovative and collaborative flora and fauna programs involving research, monitoring and recording data, training, community education, and sustainable land management. You can email Beth on with any queries


Subscribe to these lists, groups and newletters to receive regular updates on plant conservation or biodiversity issues.

    • Aliens-l is an international (IUCN) listserver dedicated to invasive species. Search Aliens-I
    • ANPC News will keep you informed of plant conservation initiatives, grant application deadlines, conferences and workshops, fieldwork and much more. It allows you to post your own information and ask members for advice on plant conservation management issues.
    • ENVIROWEEDS is a listserver for people to discuss any aspect of environmental weeds.


    • Management of Travelling Stock Reserves.
    • A Select Bibliography (ENDANGER), produced by the Deakin University School of Aquatic Sciences and Natural Resources Management, is a bibliographic database that indexes published and unpublished material on Australian threatened flora and fauna and related topics. Password access.