The threatened Swainsona recta (Small Purple Pea), now restricted to a few locations and subject to successful translocations. (Photo: John Briggs)
The ANPC is available to run workshops to showcase the new information in the latest Translocation Guidelines.
Why should you host a plant translocation workshop in your region?
In Australia, 1355 species of flora are threatened. To prevent these species from becoming extinct, we need to implement conservation actions, one of which is translocation – the intentional transfer of plants or regenerative plant material from an ex situ collection or natural population to a new location. Based on the recently published 3rd edition of the ANPC’s ‘Guidelines for the Translocation of Threatened Plants in Australia’, translocation workshops provide a step by step guide on how to translocate plants.
Who are the workshops for?
Translocation Workshops are of interest to all those involved in the translocation process, as well as those involved in conservation and ecological restoration more generally. Our previous workshops have attracted scientists, policy makers, conservation officers in State Government, environmental officers in Local Government, consultants, licencing officers, seed collectors, volunteers and students. The workshops aim to help participants to raise the standard of translocations and thereby contribute to conserving species that may otherwise face extinction.
What is the content of the workshops?

Dr Lucy Commander, ANPC Project Manager
The workshops cover all aspects of the Translocation Guidelines, from providing an overview of translocation in Australia, deciding whether or not to translocate, assessing the biology and ecology of the species, selecting the source and recipient sites, policy and the approvals process, site preparation, implementing the translocation, monitoring and evaluation, and community participation. ANPC Project Manager Dr Lucy Commander, lead editor of the 3rd edition, is available to coordinate and lead Translocation Workshops anywhere in Australia. Dr Commander can provide an overview of the guidelines and present on many of the topics. Local speakers, some of whom may have been involved in the 3rd edition, would also be invited to speak.
How much will a workshop cost?
Registration fees for participants depend on the amount of funding available (either from an institution or a successful grant application) to cover such expenses as catering, venue hire and ANPC staff time and travel. Please contact the ANPC’s Business Manager, Jo Lynch, for further information and request a quote, or collaborate on a grant application.
How has the ANPC been involved with plant translocation?
The ANPC originally published the Translocation Guidelines in 1997, with a second edition in 2004. In recent times, the number of plant translocations has increased, and some translocations have now been monitored for many years. Hence, the conservation technique is increasing in importance, and also new information has come to light. The 3rd edition, published in November 2018, involved input from over 30 authors across the country, and includes new and updated case studies, new photographs, and new information on site selection, a decision making framework, and a translocation proposal template.

Presenters and participants at the South Australian plant translocation workshop in May 2019. (Photo: Kylie Moritz)
Following the publication of the 3rd edition, three successful workshops have been held across the country – Canberra (Nov 2018), Perth (March 2019) and Adelaide (May 2019) to disseminate information and encourage networking of those working on threatened species.
The ANPC would welcome the opportunity to present a plant translocation workshop in your region.
For more information about the Translocation Guidelines, please see the links below:
The review of the Translocation Guidelines: https://www.anpc.asn.au/translocation_guidelines_review/
Purchase a print copy of the Translocation Guidelines: https://www.anpc.asn.au/product/guidelines-for-the-translocation-of-threatened-plants-in-australia/
Download a free copy of the Translocation Guidelines: https://www.anpc.asn.au/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Translocation-Guidelines_FINAL-WEB2.pdf
Download the full versions of the Translocation Case Studies: https://www.anpc.asn.au/translocation-case-studies/
Read about the work of the Threatened Species Recovery Hub: http://www.nespthreatenedspecies.edu.au/
Read about the TSR Hub’s work on Translocation: http://www.nespthreatenedspecies.edu.au/projects/threatened-plant-translocations
The ANPC received funding from the National Environmental Science Program’s Threatened Species Recovery Hub (TSR Hub) to produce this third edition of the Guidelines, and from the ACT Government for the printing.