To coincide with the launch of the 3rd Edition of the Guidelines for the Translocation of Threatened Plants in Australia, a 1-day Plant Translocation Workshop was held as part of the 12th Australasian Plant Conservation Conference (APCC12).
The Workshop covered all aspects of the Guidelines, including gathering essential biological information, when do you need a geneticist, site selection, translocation policies, seed collection, techniques for translocating whole plants due to development, monitoring and evaluation.
Speakers, who contributed to the new edition of the Guidelines, included: David Coates (WA), David Taylor (ACT), Heidi Zimmer (NSW), Jen Silcock (QLD), Leonie Monks (WA), Lucy Commander (WA), Noushka Reiter (Vic), Simon Nally (ACT) and Steve Mueck (Vic).
Each attendee was provided with a complimentary copy of the new edition of the Guidelines.
Download the workshop program here.

Presenters and participants at the APCC12 Plant Translocation Workshop. (Photo: Nathan Emery)
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