Conference Recordings
Our conference recordings are available on the ANPC youtube channel. This gives you access to three days of plenaries and workshops from the 13th Australasian Plant Conservation Conference held in April.
Our conference recordings are available on the ANPC youtube channel. This gives you access to three days of plenaries and workshops from the 13th Australasian Plant Conservation Conference held in April.
This month Project Manager Amelia Martyn Yenson presented online at the first International Plant Translocation Conference held in Rome. Amelia shared how to access the updated Germplasm Guidelines and premiered the final video created to support the Guidelines ‘Using ex situ collections of Australian native species: Translocation and other end uses’. Former ANPC Project Manager, Lucy Commander, gave a keynote titled ‘Guidelines for the Translocation of Threatened Plants in Australia’ and Project Manager for the Victorian Translocation Symposium, Chantelle Doyle, gave the presentation “We’re all on a huge learning curve” which discussed a perspective of Australian translocation practitioners. Screenshot of Chantelle presenting by Amelia Martyn Yenson |
On 2 June we held Day 2 of the Australian Academy of Science Fenner Conference on the Environment. This invitation-only hybrid event was hosted by the Shine Dome in Canberra. It was funded by the Australian Academy of Science and through the expert workshop component of funding from The Ian Potter Foundation. We had 44 attendees either in person, online or in hubs in WA, Victoria and NSW.
We started the day with a speech from The Ian Potter Foundation’s Senior Project Manager, Louise Arkles, and an evaluation of the Germplasm Guidelines project outputs and impact. Dr TJ Higgins AO FAA FTSE welcomed attendees to the Shine Dome on behalf of the Australian Academy of Science. Jacqui Goonrey, Director of the Office of the Threatened Species Commissioner, spoke about the important role of ex situ conservation, including seed banking and living collections, in helping to insure our plant species against extinction. The rest of the day was dedicated to discussion and activities about plants that require complementary methods of ex situ conservation, in addition to seed banking. We discussed the types of habitats and threat combinations that require prioritisation of these methods for both threatened and at-risk species. We plan to use the evaluation session in our reporting and strategic planning for ANPC; and the exceptional species discussion to write up a scientific paper in the next year.
Image of in person conference participants by Damian Wrigley
The fourth and final instalment in our Plant Treasures webinar series was held on Thursday 9 June 2022 and gave an introduction to seed testing, germination and dormancy. Guest speakers for this webinar included Dr Lucy Commander, who managed the recent revision of the Florabank Guidelines, Dr Megan Hirst a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Royal Botanic Gardens and Deakin University and Dr Lydia Guja from the National Seed Bank who gave a talk on behalf of Dr Gemma Hoyle.
This concludes our webinar series. We’re proud to say over 300 people attended the live webinars and so far 287 people have viewed the webinar recordings. All recordings and links are available here if you missed any.
Thursdays 21 and 28 July 2022 – 12:30 – 5pm AEST
More info and program here.
Registrations are now open for our free online Victorian Translocation Symposium! This event will be held over 21 and 28 July from 12:30pm – 5pm (AEST). The Symposium will take place over Zoom and include presentations from experts and experienced practitioners in plant translocations.