Oct 7, 2020 | News
The organising committee has made the difficult decision to postpone the 13th Australasian Plant Conservation Conference (APCC13) which was scheduled for 19 to 23 April 2021. This decision was made based on the changing travel restrictions and social distancing measures which affect the organisation of and participation at this event. When deciding to postpone the conference we considered various other formats but opted for a physical conference. This ensures the in-person networking opportunities this event provides are not constrained by social distancing or a virtual format. The theme for the APCC13 conference is ‘Seeds to Recovery’. A call for abstracts will be announced in 2021 with more information to be made available closer to the event on our website. We’d like to thank our sponsors and partners for their ongoing support. We look forward to seeing you in 2022!
Oct 7, 2020 | News
All ANPC members are invited to attend this year’s AGM to be hosted via Zoom, due to COVID-19 restrictions limiting on-site options at the Australian National Botanical Gardens. The Agenda, meeting papers and Zoom conference details will be circulated to all members closer to the date. Catch up with what the ANPC has achieved over the last year and hear from a special guest speaker TBC. Please RSVP to the Secretary, Melissa Millar, by Wednesday 4 November 2020 to assist us in preparing a successful AGM.
Have you considered joining the committee of Australia’s only national plant conservation network, where you can make a difference in promoting and improving plant conservation in Australia! Elections will be held at the AGM for the positions of Secretary, Treasurer and five ordinary committee members. Nominations must be received by the Secretary, by close of business on Wednesday 4 November 2020. Download the Nomination Form here.
Oct 7, 2020 | News
The ANPC’s committee member Dr Cathy Offord featured in ABC Radio National’s show The Year That Made Me. Cathy chose to talk about 1994, in this chat she discusses the discovery of the Wollemi Pine, her contribution to it’s conservation and her botanical wedding. She also talks about a project with the APC’s editor Dr Heidi Zimmer. Have a listen!
Oct 7, 2020 | News
The ANPC is working with Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria, Friends of Grampians Gariwerd – FOGGS and Australasian Native Orchid Society – Victorian Group to save the threatened Thelymitra mackibbinii from extinction, thanks to funding from the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning. Thelymitra mackibbinii has less than 60 naturally wild plants remaining in the Wimmera district of Victoria. So far, two exclusion fences have been constructed to protect plants from grazing kangaroos, wallabies and rabbits. Surveys for any new plants and to identify the species’ pollinator (a native bee) have also been undertaken by community volunteers. Further surveys and pollinator baiting will be undertaken this Spring, before re-introducing 400 seedlings in winter 2021. Read more.
Oct 7, 2020 | News
The deadline to submit articles for the APC summer issue is fast approaching. There is no specific theme for with articles on any plant conservation topic welcome. The APC editor is encouraging submission of articles describing plant and ecological community responses to fire. For more information on submitting articles please visit this web page or email the APC editor Heidi Zimmer. The submission deadline on 1 November 2020.